Irv [Irving] Carroll [Izhak Gellers] (1907-1974)

с дополнениями ASCAP biographical dictionary


Arriba (The Barton Brothers) The Barton Brothers Apollo 169 (C-2174 & C-2175) 1947
Cock-Eyed Jenny (The Barton Brothers) The Barton Brothers Apollo 139 (C-2088) 1947
Minnie the Flapper (The Barton Brothers) The Barton Brothers Apollo 139 (C-2089) 1947



Arriba (The Barton Brothers) The Barton Brothers Apollo LP 475 1957
Arriba (The Barton Brothers) The Barton Brothers Barton Records LP 475  
Cock-Eyed Jenny (The Barton Brothers) The Barton Brothers Apollo LP 475 1957
Cock-Eyed Jenny (The Barton Brothers) The Barton Brothers Barton Records LP 475  
Minnie the Flapper (The Barton Brothers) The Barton Brothers Apollo LP 475 1957
Minnie the Flapper (The Barton Brothers) The Barton Brothers Barton Records LP 475  

orchestra under the direction of Irv Carroll

Last update 28-02-2023