Louis Gilrod (1879-1930)

Leksikon fun Yidishn Teater 1:0478



A Gris fun Neuer Russland (Louis Gilrod - Joseph Rumshinsky)

William Rubin Victor 73737-A 1922
A Neider (Louis Gilrod - Jack Rechtzeit) Jack Rechtzeit Columbia 8092-F 1925
A Malke Oyf Peisach (Louis Gilrod) Aaron Lebedeff Vocalion 14521 A 1922
A Muters Harts (Louis Gilrod - Louis Friedsell) Benny Zeidman Columbia E1964 1914
Als Far Gelt (Louis Gilrod - Peretz Sandler) Charles Cohan Victor 78066-B 1925
Blimelakh Tsvey (Louis Gilrod - Peretz Sandler) Dmitry Dobkin Victor 77545-A 1924
Blimelakh Tsvey (Louis Gilrod - Peretz Sandler) Aaron Lebedeff Vocalion 13011 A 1924
Der Khasene Tants (Louis Gilrod - Peretz Sandler) Leon Blank Victor 77949-B 1925
Die Amerikaner Sukas (Louis Gilrod) Charles Cohan Victor 78841 1926
Die Toyreh (Louis Gilrod - Louis Friedsell) Nadia Neroslavska Favorite 1-76608 1911
Dos Pintele Yid (Louis Gilrod - Arnold Perlmutter & Herman Wohl) Frances Simonoff Victor 35129-A 1910
Dos Pintele Yid (Louis Gilrod - Arnold Perlmutter & Herman Wohl) Benny Zeidman Columbia E1964 1914
Dudki, Brat (Louis Gilrod - Herman Wohl) Aaron Lebedeff Vocalion 14523 A 1922
Eibig Lebt Der Yud (Louis Gilrod) Benny Zeidman Victor 69258-A 1916
El Rachum (Louis Gilrod - Louis Friedsell) Joseph Birnzweig Vocalion A-14421 1922
Epes Nokh (Louis Gilrod) Simon Paskal Victor 65416-A 1913
Gott Un Sein Mishchpot Is Gerecht (Louis Gilrod - David Meyerowitz) H. Rabinovicz Favorite Record 1-25103 1906
Gott Un Sein Mishchpot Is Gerecht (Louis Gilrod - David Meyerowitz) Solomon Small Victor 65256-A 1905
Hej, hej, hop, hop (Louis Gilrod - Arnold Perlmutter & Herman Wohl) Zina Rappel Favorite 1-79652 1911
Ich Benk A Heim (Louis Gilrod - Louis Friedsell) Frances Simonoff Victor 16600-A 1910
In Odess (Louis Gilrod - Peretz Sandler) Aaron Lebedeff Brunswick 67058 A 1926
Isrulik Kum Aheim (Louis Gilrod - David Meyerowitz) Solomon Small Victor 65256-B 1905
Latest Improvements (Louis Gilrod - Joseph Rumshinsky)

Joseph Feldman

Victor 73145-A 1921
Nit Bay Motien (Louis Gilrod - Peretz Sandler) Herman Fenigstein Syrena 5021 1926
Odesser Hore [aka Lebedik Freylekh] (Louis Gilrod - Peretz Sandler) Aaron Lebedeff Brunswick 67058 B 1926
Odesser Hore [aka Lebedik Freylekh] (Louis Gilrod - Peretz Sandler) Zysza Katz Syrena Electro 21918 / 5352 1930
Oy, Oy Vos K'hob Gevolt, Hob Ikh Oysgefert (Louis Gilrod - Herman Wohl) Aaron Lebedeff Vocalion 14523 B 1922
Oy S'iz Mir Vohl, Oy S'iz Mir Gut (Louis Gilrod - Arnold Perlmutter & Herman Wohl) Herman Weissman Syrena Grand Record 10449 1911
Samet Un Zayd (Louis Gilrod - Herman Wohl) Jennie Goldstein Pathe 03693 B 1925
Samet Un Zayd (Louis Gilrod - Herman Wohl) Anna Hoffman Victor 69976-B 1917
Shabes Koidesh (Louis Gilrod - Otto Motzan) Hyman Adler Columbia E811 1911
S'is Ibergemacht (Louis Gilrod - Peretz Sandler) Jack Rechtzeit Columbia 8092-F 1925
Shmendriks Kale (Louis Gilrod - Jack & Joseph Kammen) Joseph Feldman Victor 25-5010-B 1923
Tate Du Lakhst Az Vey Iz Dayn Gelekhter (Louis Gilrod - Peretz Sandler) Aaron Lebedeff Vocalion 13011 B 1923
Tate Mameniu (Louis Gilrod - David Meyerowitz) Sam Bloom Emerson 13171 1918
The Line Is Busy (Louis Gilrod - Joseph Rumshinsky) William Schwartz Columbia E4530 1920
Un A Man (Louis Gilrod - William J. McKenna) Anna Hoffman Victor 69877-B 1917
Yakrys (Louis Gilrod) Gus Goldstein Victor 69626-A 1917
Zorg Nit Mama {aka Ne Platch Mama} (Louis Gilrod - Peretz Sandler) Irving Grossman Columbia 8112-F 1926
Zorg Nit Mama {aka Ne Platch Mama} (Louis Gilrod - Peretz Sandler) Aaron Lebedeff Banner B-541 A (A-386)  
Zorg Nit Mama {aka Ne Platch Mama} (Louis Gilrod - Peretz Sandler) Aaron Lebedeff Melodie B-541 A (A-386)  



A Malke Oyf Peisach (Louis Gilrod) Aaron Lebedeff The Greater Recording GRC 46 1964
Blimelakh Tsvey (Louis Gilrod - Peretz Sandler) Aaron Lebedeff Collectors Guild CG 664 1965
Dudki, Brat (Louis Gilrod - Herman Wohl) Aaron Lebedeff Collectors Guild CG 664 1965
In Odess (Louis Gilrod - Peretz Sandler) Aaron Lebedeff The Greater Recording GRC 46 1964
Odesser Hore [aka Lebedik Freylekh] (Louis Gilrod - Peretz Sandler) Aaron Lebedeff The Greater Recording GRC 46 1964
Oy, Oy Vos K'hob Gevolt, Hob Ikh Oysgefert (Louis Gilrod - Herman Wohl) Aaron Lebedeff The Greater Recording GRC 46 1964
Samet Un Zayd (Louis Gilrod - Herman Wohl) Jennie Goldstein The Greater Recording GRC 256 1966
Shabes Koidesh (Louis Gilrod - Otto Motzan) Hyman Adler The Greater Recording GRC 64 1965
Zorg Nit Mama {aka Ne Platch Mama} (Louis Gilrod - Peretz Sandler) Aaron Lebedeff Banner BA-1007-A  
Zorg Nit Mama {aka Ne Platch Mama} (Louis Gilrod - Peretz Sandler) Aaron Lebedeff Banner LP 056 B  




God and His Judgment Are Just...

got un zayn mishpet iz gerekht …

Louis Gilrod - David Meyerowitz

Throughout his life the Jew has
a word of consolation for his misfortunes,
and this was passed down to him through the generations.
And whatever misfortune befalls him,
whatever happens to him,
he bears it all and is content,
as though it were nothing at all.
But his face becomes pale,
his eyes become wet,
his heart gets drained of blood.
To uplift his heart
and to ease his suffering,
he consoles himself with this:

God and His judgment are just!
One may never say that God is wrong;
God knows what He is doing:
He punishes no one without just cause.
God and His Judgment are just…

The Jew never finds happiness;
He has always suffered.
Broken into little pieces
is the Jewish nation.
He has no home, no land, no friend;
no warm, consoling words.
The beautiful sun doesn’t shine on him,
He is hated everywhere.
An accursed stranger,
he is a foreigner;
everywhere he is tormented.
He has countless sorrows.
Yet he bears his sufferings in silence;
he cries his eyes out and he says:

God and His Judgment are just….

In nearly every generation
a Haman arises
and attempts with all kinds of terror
to destroy the weak, defenseless Jew.
Now too, in the twentieth century,
recall how he is without friends.
They rob the Jew and plunder him,
in the Czar’s empire.
An evil Ivan,
a dog, Krushevan,
has spilled the blood of the Jew.
A sea of blood
was caused by the pogrom.
Yet the Jew keeps on singing his song:
God and His judgment are just.…
der yid hot in zayn lebn
a treystvort af zayn brokh,
un dos hot im gegebn zayn alter zeyde nokh.
un vos far a shlekhts es treft dem yidn
vos zol im nit geshen,
trogt er durkh un iz tsufridn,
glaykh vi gornit geven.
nor zayn ponem vert blas,
di oygn vern nas,
zayn harts vert fargosn mit blut.
tsu shtarkn zayn harts
un tsu shtiln zayn shmerts,
nemt er zikh treystn dermit:

got un zayn mishpet iz gerekht!
men tor keyn mol nit zogn got iz shlekht.
got veys vos er tut:
umzist shtroft er keynem nit.
got un zayn mishpet iz gerekht …

der yid iz keyn mol gliklekh;
er laydt fun eybik on.
gebrokhn in shtik–shtiklekh
iz di yidishe natsyon.
er hot keyn heym, keyn land, keyn fraynd nit.
keyn treysten, varem vort.
di sheyne zun far im, zi shaynt nit.
me hast im do un dort.
a farsholtener ger,
a fremder iz er.
iberal vert er geplogt.
er hot tsores fil.
un dokh laydt er shtil;
er veynt zikh gut oys un er zogt:

got un zayn mishpet iz gerekht …

kimat in ale doyres
shteyt a homon uf
un zukht mit kol hamoyres
dem shvakhn yidls sof.
oykh yetst in tsvontsikstn yorhundert
on fraynd, erinert aykh.
men hot dem yid geroybt, geplundert
dort in tsarn–raykh.
a shlekhter ivan,
a hund, krushevan,
hot fargosn dos blut fun dem yid.
a blutikn yam
hot gemakht dem pogrom.
dos yidl zingt vayter zayn lid:
got un zayn mishpet iz gerekht …
trio with Leonard Braun and Yitschak Fischelewitsch
quartet with Louis Gilrod, Bessie Mogulesko, Clara Gold

Milken Archive


Last update 09-08-2024