Sonia Gamburg [Kass] (1931-2002)

 с дополнениями Shalom Memorial


Es Brent (Mordecai Gebirtig) Robert Zalkin & The Halevi Choral Society Fidelity Award FA 861  
Kol Nidre Jacob Barkin & The Halevi Choral Society Musique Internationale MS-7312 1971
Mizmor Shir Khanikat Habayit (Todros Greenberg) Jacob Barkin & The Halevi Choral Society Musique Internationale MS-7312 1971
Ovinu Malkeynu (Max Janowski)

Mildred Cohn & The Halevi Choral Society

Fidelity Award FA 861  

piano by Sonia Kass

pianoLast update 22-09-2023