Leon Moses Kramer (1862-1943)

с дополнениями Congregation Shearith Israel


Od Yiskor Lanu Cantors Association of America Choir Columbia E5174 (59510 / 59511) 1916
V'kach Haya Omer (Baruch Schorr) Cantors Association of America Choir Columbia E5155 (59500) 1916



V'kach Haya Omer (Baruch Schorr) Cantors Association of America Choir Collectors Guild CG 609 1961
V'kach Haya Omer (Baruch Schorr) Cantors Association of America Choir Shirim S-1004 (M80P-4156)  
V'kach Haya Omer (Baruch Schorr) Cantors Association of America Choir The Greater Recording GRC 78 (XTV 109248) 1966

conducted by Leon Kramer

Last update 28-05-2021