Moses Milner (1886-1953)

КЕЭ, том 5, кол. 352


Ad Ana Adonai (Moses Milner) Joseph Goland Achva 724 1934
Ba'Cheder (Nathan Alterman - Moses Milner) Joseph Goland Achva 721 1934
Di Bobe Ot Zih Dermont (Borukh Bergholtz - Moses Milner) Mikhail Alexandrovitch Грампласттрест 15385 1947
Iber Di Hoyfn (Moses Milner) Joseph Winogradoff Victor 68603-B 1922
In Cheder'l (Moses Milner) Mordechai Hershman Victor 68598-A 1921



Der Shifer (Yitskhok Leybush Peretz - Moses Milner) Louis Danto Olympic Records OL-6148 1978
Der Shifer (Yitskhok Leybush Peretz - Moses Milner) Louis Danto Period Records PRST 2940  
In Cheder'l (Moses Milner) Boris Greisdorf Musique Internationale M-7521 1989
In Cheder'l (Moses Milner) Mordechai Hershman Jewish Record Club JRC-101  
In Cheder'l (Moses Milner) Mordechai Hershman Scala 857  
Usane Tokef (Moses Milner) Abraham Levitt & Judaica Choir Judaica SMS-100 U4RS-8728  



In the Hebrew School

in cheder'l

Moses Milner

Come little boy, closer to me
And look at the little words

Wonderful words.
Come over faster, come faster to me!

Faster, faster, don't be afraid and don't worry.
Here, this is the way, sit down,
And listen with your mind.

it down this way and listen carefully:

komets alef - о
komets beis - bo
komets giml - go
komets doled - do

pasekh alef - a
pasekh beis - ba
pasekh giml - ga
pasekh doled - da

This is the way, little boy, this is the way to study.
Well, well, good little boy,
Take a close look into the book
And repeat it once again:

komets alef - о
komets beis - bo

Say it louder, stronger!

o bo,

This is the way, little boy, that one studies:
a ba ga da

Say it louder, stronger!

This is the way, more happily, livelier!

This is the way, little boy, that one studies the Torah
The Torah is the greatest treasure
You should be a good little boy
You should not be a little rascal
Oh you are a little rascally youth,
It is enough, close the reader,
You are for the day.

Remember, child, a Jew should study the Torah!
So preaches the Holy Man.
When people ask you
What you did in Hebrew school,
Say that you studied the Torah.
Remember the Torah!
kum аhеr, yingele, neynter tsu mir
un tu a kuk in die kleyne oyselakh
tayere oyselakh, gildene oyselakh
gikher, gikher, kum aher!

khob keye moyre nisht, shrek zekh nisht.
ot azoy, zetz zekh avek
un her oys mit kop!

zetz zikh, ot azoy, hеr zikh tsu

komets alef - о
komets beis - bo
komets giml - go
komets doled - do

pasekh alef - a
pasekh beis - ba
pasekh giml - ga
pasekh doled - da

ot azoy, yingele, ot azoy darf men lernen, yingele
oi vey, tayer yingele,
tu a kuk in sider
un zog ze knoh a mol:

komets alef - о
komets beis - bo

gekher, shtarker!

o, bо

ot azoy darf men lernen, yingele:
a ba ga da

gekher, shtarker!

ot azoy, freylekher, lebediker!

ot azoy, yingele, darf men lernen toyre
oi toyre iz di beste skhoyre
volst geven a tayer yingele
zolst nit zayn kayn genarik
oi vestu a genarik, yingele
genug shoyn, farmakh dem sider
biz bald

gedenk, mayn kind, a yid darf lernen toyre!
azoy zogt undz der heyliker boyre.
az me vet dikh fregn
vos hostu geton in cheider
zolstu zogn: host gelernt toyre!
zedenk zhe, toyre!

Jan Peerce 'Yiddish Folk Songs'


Last update 15-12-2020