Would you like a flock of sheep? -
I've got one
Would you like a bird, God's wonder? - I've got one
My flock of sheep is my wife and my children
They are God's wonder
Ele, Bele
Would you like millions? - I've got them
Would you like gramophones? - I've got them
Each child of mine is worth millions,
And they play music better than gramophones
Ele, Bele
Would you like a string of pearls? - I've got one
Would you like a diamond? - I've got one
My elder daughter-in-law is called Pearl
And her Berl is the diamond of a husband
Ele, Bele
Of course, he wouldn't like it
Let him envy me
Ele, Bele
You live in misery, you've got nothing - and I have everything
Ele, Bele
You'll burst with envy, and I'll be singing songs
Ele, Bele |
vilstu shof un rinder? - hob ikh
feygl, got's a vunder? - hob ikh
shof un rinder - vayb un kinder
oy, zey zaynen gots a vunder
ele, bele
vilstu milyonen? - hob ikh
vilstu gramofonen? - hob ikh
yeder kind iz vert milyonen
oy, zeyer shpiln gramofonen
ele, bele
vilstu a shnirl perl? - hob ikh
vilstu a briliyantl? - hob ikh
mayn elste shnur, zi heyst dokh perl
an ekht briliyantl iz ir berl
ele, bele
gefelt im dos avade
reytz ikh im un yade
ele, bele
dales, dales, du host gornisht ikh hob ales
ele, bele
ver tzezetzt un ver tzeshpringen, vel
ikh davke lider zingen
ele, bele |